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this is how you find us

Mein Angebot

Help from far away or very close to the location.

Goba in Mozambique

In the future, we would like to continue working with street children and give them hope for a good future through education, nourishment of body and mind, and health care.

We live according to the principle: “Human dignity is inviolable” and assume that every person has potential for development and wants to develop further.


If you would like to support our cause or learn more about our work, please feel free to contact us.

Many many thanks

Irene Iselin and Rosak Biacuane

together we can


Together we can

Irene Iselin

3047 Bremgarten b. Bern

Bankverbindung für Spenden:

CH72 0630 0016 6095 0670 6

Danke für's Absenden!

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